Low-GI Platform

A Paradigm-Shifting Low-GI Platform

The first plant-based low-GI platform clinically shown to reduce carbohydrate-to-glucose conversion.

This Low-GI Initiative is unlike all other Low-GI ingredients; it’s not a sugar reduction or sugar replacement ingredient, it’s much more significant than that. It represents a true paradigm-shift when it comes to innovation and how we can now think about and address changes in blood glucose and insulin levels that occur as a result of the foods we eat.

Supported by 10 clinical trials to lower post-meal blood glucose by up to 40%.

ENJOY The Carbs while reducing post meal glucose levels

This clinically-tested, plant-derived ingredient platform helps people manage the impact that the foods they eat have on post-meal glucose and insulin levels. It does this by inhibiting the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose so that less sugar is absorbed. This results in a reduction of post-meal blood glucose levels by up to 40%.

Low-GI Platform
Custom Applications


Experience the paradigm-shifting low-GI platform, ReduRice™, a solution you can feel and measure immediately. Innovate with Western Foods and significantly reduce the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose using our distinctively low-GI Rice, Flours, and Crisps.
